How To Prevent Breast Cancer : Use of Herbs

How To Prevent Breast Cancer : Use of Herbs - Flavonoid quercetin in the parasite is expected to work as an inhibitor of cancer cell DNA isomerase enzyme (involved in the process of multiplication and increased malignancy of cancer). Vinca compounds are known also to have two classes of potent alkaloid Vinka inhibit the multiplication and spread of cancer cells. Both compounds are vincristine and vinblastine.

In addition, vinca alkaloids contain catharanthin, which is similar to compounds in the plasma of cancer cells. Absorption of these compounds into cancer cells suspected to be urgent and dissolve the cancer cell nucleus.

Plants meniran and white turmeric also has anticancer properties through its immunomodulatory work. The second extract of this plant in experimental mice turned out to multiply the number of lymphocytes, increase the toxicity of cancer killer cells (natural killer) and specific antibody synthesis. The properties above will strengthen the body's defense mechanism against viruses and cancer cells.

Leaf is also thought to have powerful healing properties because of suspected cancer-like compounds derived from interferon which is a natural antibodies against viruses and cancer cells. How to combat cancer by destroying cancer-causing virus that can damage the DNA of normal cells into cancer cells. Tough leaves are said to more efficacious for this type of prostate cancer, rectum, and respiratory tract.

Maitake mushrooms as a cancer drug had been studied by a combination of mushroom extract with preparations sitostatica to a number of people with cancer. According to research maitake not only alleviate the symptoms of breast cancer, lung and liver, but also reduce side effects caused by sitostatica. Compounds 1-6 plosakarida B glukans believed to play a role in maitake inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells by increasing the effectiveness of all cells in the body's defense system in addition to increasing sensitivity of cancer cells against sitostatica and radiation. On the other hand, you cans Also go for herbs like turmeric, green and red clover tae, the which helps to Prevent breast cancer.


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